The Gang

The Gang
October 2008 Sweet Potatoe Harvest

About Me

I am a busy mommy of 6, seeking to be a loving, godly helpmeet to my husband and a biblical discipler to my children. God has blessed us with a child with Autism. May the lessons that the Lord is teaching me and our family be a blessing to you and yours!

My Favorite Books

  • Bible
  • Created to be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl
  • Four-Season Harvest by Eliot Coleman
  • Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver
  • Home Cheese Making by Ricki Carroll
  • Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon
  • Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp
  • The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I just wanted to take a minute in between dealing with sick kids and trying to complete all the gluten/casein free baking for the holidays to share with you two cute things that the boys have said this week.

A couple days ago Philip was wiggling while standing in the hallway so I said, "Philip, go potty." I said this or course because I thought he was doing the potty dance. Philip then said, "But mama, I'm not doin the potty dance." We all started to laugh! :-)

Thomas is sick right now and struggling with an ear ache. Yesterday after watching a Pooh movie he came up to me and said, "Mom, I have fluff in my ear." I asked him if the fluff was what was making his ear hurt and he said, "Yes, the fluff makes my ear hurt." He came up to me again this morning and told me that the fluff was hurting his ear again.