The Gang

The Gang
October 2008 Sweet Potatoe Harvest

About Me

I am a busy mommy of 6, seeking to be a loving, godly helpmeet to my husband and a biblical discipler to my children. God has blessed us with a child with Autism. May the lessons that the Lord is teaching me and our family be a blessing to you and yours!

My Favorite Books

  • Bible
  • Created to be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl
  • Four-Season Harvest by Eliot Coleman
  • Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver
  • Home Cheese Making by Ricki Carroll
  • Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon
  • Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp
  • The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I'm sure by that title you are wondering what this post will be about. Well, for the past couple of years our little 6 person table has 8 squeezing around it. We weren't able to put food on the table along with all the plates and silverware without being very crowded. We had many spills and accidents because 4 people were sitting at the corners where the legs were, and overall it was not a comfortable eating experience. We had decided that when Phil got a job that a new dinning room table would be one of our first "big" purchases.

Two weeks ago Phil went shopping for one and found one that he thought would work and he had filled out the paperwork to purchase it, however, he was a little apprehensive about it since I hadn't seen it. When he got back to his apartment his landlords showed him a table in their basement that was perfect for our family with the exception of being short 2 chairs. Phil decided it would be better for us to have to buy just two chairs than to have to spend well over $1000 on a new set of 8 chairs and a table.

All that being said, he brought the table home this Friday. What a joy it was to sit at "brunch" this morning and have us and all the food on the table with lots of room to spare! We can fit another 2-4 chairs around the table which will be so nice when we have guests. I almost cried at breakfast because my heart was so filled with Thanks for God providing exactly what we needed at a fraction of what we thought it would cost. Praise the Lord!! Lord willing this table will last us through the years of the kids being little. Eventually we will look for an even larger, nicer set for the teen years & beyond. Phil took pictures of us this morning as we had our first meal around our new/used table. Hopefully later today he will teach me how to load pictures onto my blog posts. I'll be sure to post when I've loaded pictures for all the past posts that have pictures to go along with them.

In conclusion, I had wanted so badly to have a dinning room table that we could all fit around before Christmas and God granted the desire of my heart! I am so thankful!


Angie said...

Praise the Lord!

mitchells2000 said...

Shirls - THAT IS AWESOME! I'm so glad that we serve a God who not only supplies our needs, but also our wants... and sometimes with money to spare! :-)