The Gang

The Gang
October 2008 Sweet Potatoe Harvest

About Me

I am a busy mommy of 6, seeking to be a loving, godly helpmeet to my husband and a biblical discipler to my children. God has blessed us with a child with Autism. May the lessons that the Lord is teaching me and our family be a blessing to you and yours!

My Favorite Books

  • Bible
  • Created to be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl
  • Four-Season Harvest by Eliot Coleman
  • Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver
  • Home Cheese Making by Ricki Carroll
  • Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon
  • Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp
  • The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
What a title hey?

Snow: Yes that is right it is snowing again in Wisconsin tonight. They are anticipating 4-8 inches for our area so tomorrow may be another snow day. Our school has already used up all their snow days so I'm sure they will try to just delay school if it is at all possible. I just went upstairs to check out the weather and we already have 1" and it is coming down quite nicely.

School: Home schooling with Samuel is going well. Most days we cruise right through Math, English, and Reading. Science & Social Studies are the fun subjects as we are working on starting our plants for the garden and reading whatever interests us for Social Studies. My biggest concern for Sam right now is his reading & math. He is reading better, but not as well as a fourth grader should be reading, and he really does not like reading. He is enjoying the time that I spend reading to him each day, and I hope he will start to see how much fun reading is! For health we are working on eating healthier, drinking more water, and trying to get to a healthy body weight. We've studied the digestive system and are studying various aspects of health & nutrition. The other kids are doing well still in the Public School. Elizabeth was very excited to get a B+ in science, which was actually the highest grade on her report card. I'm looking forward to next year and being able to help Elizabeth feel more confident with her academics. Caleb is doing good but once again I feel he is not doing as well as he cold. He is very smart, yet gets so excited about things that he is easily distracted. For those of you who have see the movie, "Over the Hedge" Caleb is a little Hammy! His energy level matches Hammy to a "T"! :-) Thomas is doing GREAT work in kindergarten which is so exciting to see him participating at a close to normal level with the other children. Philip loves pre-k and I think will be a great Kindergarten student next year when we home school. He seems to be growing like a weed and is at one of those stages where he is ALWAYS hungry! Nathan, our soon to be 3 year old is enjoying playing out in the mud, trying to learn to ride his tricycle and playing with his puppy (Sunny) and "doddy" (Bandit).

Sprouting: Yes, my pepper plants have finally started to sprout. All my tomato varieties have sprouted but some are doing better than others. It is fun watching the little green shoots come up each day now! Thomas is very excited about the plants. When I told him they were tomatoes and not flowers he said, "But I don't like Tomatoes!" So I explained to him that we were going to use the tomatoes to make his katsup. He eats EVERYTHING with katsup! It is fun watching him as he tries to figure out whether or not these tomato plants are really a good thing. :-)

Stuff: We are hoping to nail down the house in New Holstein soon, however we are not sure when our moving date will be since the current tenants don't really know when they are moving out yet. We are reminded once again that God is in control and we have to wait on His timing. He is orchestrating these events and will allow all the dates to work out according to His plan! For now, I'm working on packing and trying to think through the process of how to organize it all to make it as simple and streamlined as possible for getting settled once we are in the new house. Pray that WEAP will be able to find new therapists for Thomas. We have a tentative start date for the week of June 16 to have Thomas's new initial workshop training session with the team in New Holstein. Thomas is very excited about his new house and is telling me every day that he wants to "go home". And on days like these where we are busy with Dentist appointments, homework, and life in general and missing daddy.... I echo his request to "go home". I'm looking forward to our family being together every day, but until then I look to God to give me the strength and grace to single parent while Phil is away.

I'll end this post with one more "S" word...... Sleep........ Good Night!